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Seattle, Washington, United States

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Aleah's Rant #4

So, I'm visiting my home on the East Coast, but I have to say something about my choice of airlines. I will NEVER fly with Delta again! I am so angry with them, and after speaking with others I know, it seems that this isn't just about me.

First, they cheated me out of almost 5000 SkyMiles. I became a new SkyMiles member in 2009, and flew home to visit. Since I became a member after I purchased my tickets, I had to manually enter my member number on the Delta site. Of course, it didn't take, and being a new member, I wasn't sure about how it all worked. I inquired about my SkyMiles being added to may account, and was told that I could add them as long as I had my ticket number. You'd think they would be able to add that for me since they are the ones that I flew with in the first place, but I looked for the ticket number, and couldn't find it because I didn't purchase the tickets straight from the Delta site. I came across the ticket number by accident recently while purchasing my tickets for this trip, and I tried to add it to my account, but Delta told me that my time had run out. After counting back, I realized that it had just recently passed, and due to the circumstances, I thought that they should have made an exception. Delta didn't see it that way. I guess it wasn't their fault that my member number didn't show up on my account in the first place. (yeah... right!)

When I took my trip home last year, I took a piece of luggage to return to my mother. It was a piece that Mom was sentimental about because it had belonged to my dad who passed away. I guess the Delta employees decided to toss it around, and play "stab the luggage" because it had some pretty hefty damage to it when I finally got home.

After waiting in line, I got the information I needed to send the piece off to be repaired. Keep in mind that I was returning the piece to my mom. I made sure to put her address as the destination of the piece when it was finished being repaired. What did they do? They sent it back to SEATTLE! Once again, I tried to return the piece of luggage to my mother on the East Coast. Guess what Delta did THIS time? You guessed it! They damage the same piece of luggage AGAIN!! Wonder if it will make it to my mom's house this time?

To top everything off, while planning my trip to the East this time, I wanted to bring that piece of luggage to my mom and carry another piece of luggage to bring my things back with me. My plans were foiled again because Delta wanted to charge me $55 dollars to check the usual 2 pieces of luggage. Last year, they charged $15 each for 2 pieces of checked baggage. This year they are charging $23 for the 1st, and another $32 for the 2nd. What a ripoff!

They get you coming and going. Here I thought I was getting a decent deal on my flight, but I didn't realize I had to count quiet so much for my baggage that in all actuality should be FREE.

Rest assured, unless there is some reason I have no choice, I WILL NEVER FLY WITH DELTA AGAIN!

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Aleah's Rant #3

FINALS ARE OVER! Praise God! Finals week always makes me a nervous wreck. I wish I knew how to lower my adrenalin, but for some reason it takes over, and I lose my flippin mind. The stress is over, and now, no matter what the grade, it's done.

Prior to finals week, I had "A"s in both classes. The Lord only knows what my grades will be when this is over. I worried, and stressed, and then, I worked really hard to make my final projects as perfect as I could get them. "Please Lord, let me keep my "A"s."

Now, it's time to get ready for my trip to the East Coast to visit my family. I've been in Seattle for a year, and although I like it here, I miss my kids, grandchildren, and family terribly. I'll be taking 2 months off from school to "get my life straight", and then it's back to the books.

As soon as I get back from the SE, I've got to find a job. Anyone know anyone in the Seattle area who is hiring??? Yeah... There are lots of jobs here, but for some reason, the right job is eluding me. I've applied for a ton of jobs, but no bites yet. I've made more changes to my resume than and baby has it's diaper changed.

I've got to get out and meet more people. Once someone gets to know me, they'll realize what a smart cookie I am, and recommend me for a job. ;) I'm definitely not a boaster, but I know when I'm good at something.

So my roommate, her son, and I have decided to start a little side business. I just happen to be quiet skilled at crocheting items. If you know me, you already know this. Now that my roommate has perfected her technique, we're going to crochet items to sale on Craigslist. At a later date, we're going to create a web presence for our business. Who knows, one thing or another will take off eventually. The key is to keep trying. Right?

Until something else weighs heavy on my mind... Later!

Aleah's Rant #2

If there is one thing I can't stand, (and trust me when I say that there is more than one thing), it's when someone tells you they are going to do something, but don't.

Don't tell me you are going to call me, if you never plan on making that call. Honestly, I'm not so desperate that I need someone to call, if they don't even want to. Don't even say it! Sure, I may want to talk to you, but it won't be the end of the world, if I don't, and I don't want to talk to anyone who doesn't want to talk to me.

Don't tell me what you think I want to hear! I don't care how ugly it is, or how much it will hurt me, I only want the truth. I'll bet if you ask 1000 women if they would rather be told what someone thinks they want to hear, or the truth, 999 will say they want the truth. Why is that so difficult??

I think I know why, but there are very few men who will admit to it. (Yes, I think we all know that the "someone" I'm talking about is a man. They are all men. I'm not saying that a female can't do the same thing, but for the purpose of this rant, we are talking about the male species of human beings.) They want to keep us hanging on as long as possible. It's all about getting what they want. Let's face it, if a man were to tell us the truth, we would walk away, and never give him a second glance, but if he tells us what he thinks we want to hear, we hold on to that shred of hope that maybe, just maybe he is being honest.

Ladies, I'm here to tell you, he is not. To tell the truth will take away the little bit of leverage he has. Why would he do that? It would completely take him out of the game.

I am not going to lose interest if you don't call me for a few days, but... I WILL be pissed if you tell me you are going to call, and don't. Why? Because it hurts my feelings. That's right! It hurts my feelings. You told me you would call. I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt by believing you are being honest with me. I expect to hear from you, and by the time midnight rolls around, I've figured out that I'm not.

Ok, it isn't just telling someone you are going to call, and not, there are other things. How about telling someone that you are going to get together to go shopping, (and yes, this one is a female)? Don't make plans with someone, and then suddenly decide that you have something better to do. We all understand that emergencies happen, but come on!

The whole point is... Your word should be your bond, and when you don't keep your word, it decreases your integrity. So... KEEP YOUR WORD!!

Aleah's First Rant

Hello! Welcome to my blog. The reason for this blog is simple. I have a LOT on my mind, and I feel like I am about to overflow. Have you ever felt that way?

I've been meaning to do this for a long time. I actually started a blog in 2007, but I only posted one blog on that first day. That blog was supposed to be for my crafting anyway, so let's get on with the blogging here. Shall we?